
October 03, 2010

... dan semalam

dan semalam genap seminggu aku kehilangan.
aku tak pernah fikir pun akan kehilangan
bende nie.
sebab dia sentiasa ada di sisi aku
bila aku tidur,
sebelum aku tidur,aku dengar dulu
and when i am doin' my home work,it will always
enjoying me
with all the songs inside it.
ohh damn,and i lost it.
we'd been through,
and now
u just gone,
macam tu je.
haih.someone stolen my handphone.,
dengan memori 2gb.
ohh,what an asshole,besar tu.
almost 3 years
it always accompany me,
when i am alone
when i ma not alone ,ahha.
pendek kata,
it always with me
and now,
tidak lagi
aku tak pernah imagine lansung
yang dia akan hilang macam tu je.
dan sekarang.
dia dah hilang.
even it just a cheap phone
but it really mean to me
my parents brought it for me
not for ya,stupid !
hey moron,just give my phone,and go away.
u know what,u just took my sweetheart.
and i'll never ever forgive ya !

look.handphone murah.
tapi aku still sukakan phone nie.
yeah !
ok then.
hope that i will find my phone.
and start my daily life like usual.
ok then !
byebye*waving hand*

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